Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) refers to a spectrum of dispute resolution mechanisms that resolve matters short of more formal legal processes. ADR encompasses conciliation, mediation and arbitration. Each activity has a separate function.

With specialization in workplace and interpersonal conflict, we more commonly refer to the broader scope of what we do as conflict management. We give equal weight to both people and process.

Conflict Management

Conflict is a natural by-product of human interaction. It can have a productive or counterproductive effect on both individuals and teams. Effective conflict management is about applying the appropriate aspects of the ADR spectrum in the right way and at the right time.

To a great extent, the leader’s role is managing and influencing perceptions with respect to conflict within teams. Our efforts complement that perspective.


SOI has developed a comprehensive intergraded mediation model which combines an initial assessment, individual coaching; all culminating in the mediation effort itself. This approach has proven invaluable in bringing the parties together in a climate of confidence and collaboration that tends to expose all involved to new and viable communication skills to navigate possible future workplace conflict.

Mediation model comprises three interdependent steps.

1. Assessment. This involves meeting separately with the parties, identifying perspectives and areas of possible common ground. This step also determines if mediation is likely to be successful.

With respect to workplace conflict, we also consult with the appropriate person within the organization to ensure we are aware of the parameters of any ensuing agreement can be acted on. This prevents the parties later arriving at an agreement for the way forward that is outside their employment discretion.

2. Coaching. Communication coaching is then conducted to optimize the parties’ inherent capacity to engage in the resulting mediation process in the most productive way possible.

3. Mediation. Structured mediation is then undertaken resulting in a written agreement.

Ground Truth Workplace Assessment Model ©
Our Ground Truth workplace assessment model is a comprehensively non-adversarial and non-accusatory process focused on gathering credible and contextually relevant information as to specific workplace practices, climate and team culture. The term Ground Truth was selected to convey an unflinching commitment to determine what the reality is on the ground and why.

The execution of the Ground Truth model seamlessly integrates the investigative skills of well-prepared interviews with the broader conflict management sensibilities of dealing with people in the midst of difficult or challenging circumstances. All of it comes together in the resulting analysis setting out specific and supportable answers to the key questions as posed by the client and stakeholders.

The resulting report identifies keys issues, perspectives and actions that are giving them importance and makes informed pragmatic recommendations.

See our training page for course and coaching related to conflict management learning opportunities.